Monday, April 25, 2011

its been quite the run of good swell

ive been surfing lots, finding a few less crowded places...nowhere special, but special nonetheless...the comp is over, the tourists are heading back up the freeway. Soon the town will quieten down.

ive taken lots of photos, got a few addresses and driven about today and dropped of CD's of images for people.

Its making me happy.

here is Sunday morning...

 a stunning sunrise - no colour correction with these shots

 kelly 1
 kelly 2
 kelly 3
 kelly 4
 kelly 5
 Bells 2011 Winner - Joel Parkinson
my favorite of the day, classic.


  1. Hey there ... i stumbled on this site a while back and wondered if it was the same guy i helped in at poss one time with a busted hand. After chatting to you on the weekend at Addis i thought its gotta be the fella. The pictures of the vic coast on here are beautiful, awesome. Glad to see you back in the water.

  2. hey brad.
    Good to see you the other day, was nice to able to say thanks again for the hand you gave me.
    Glad you like the pics, hopefully see you around soon.



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